Find contractors to buy your software

We provide powerful filters and firmographic information for building contractors that doesn't exist anywhere else. Find the right accounts and drill down to the right people.

Watch our video to learn more

"Shovels transformed our outreach strategy. Their high-quality, regularly updated contractor data led to a 20-30% higher response rate. Being able to reach contractors right when they start new projects and personalize our message based on permit type made all the difference."

Beam Team
Financial Platform for Builders

"Shovels has been a great partner to Haven. They've not only provided the permit data we were looking for in a timely manner, but have worked to understand our strategy so they can be a partner in achieving results rather than just a source of raw data."

Haven Energy
Solar Power for Home

GTM platform for the building trades

Fast access to great contractor leads

No more calling contractors who work in the wrong market or closed shop a long time ago. Give your sales team the right leads to sell your software.

App screenshot
Download to CSV.
Download a list of all contractors in your market, 1,000 at a time, lightning fast.
Filter by property type.
We use tax assessor data to filter by property type, including commercial, residential, and industrial buildings.
Refreshed monthly.
Get access to thousands of new building contractors parsed from millions of new building permit records every month.
Nationwide coverage.
We cover all 48 states and 85% of the US population. Coverage is highest in the populated areas with the most active construction activity.
Employee data.
Find the right decision makers. Get access to building contractor employee names, titles, and email addresses.
Powerful firmographics.
See firmographic data for every building contractor in the US. Get access to company size, revenue, and more.