We improve your sales process with nationwide building permit data, enriching your lead program with unique insights on commercial and residential builders.
Find the most active contractors working on the largest projects in your markets
Segment contractors by revenue, service area, and specialty. Add this detail to Salesforce and HubSpot to help your field sales team close more accounts.
Use Shovels to confirm that a new customer is a licensed contractor. Verify their registration information against our database of nearly 3 million contractors.
Determine whether to open a line of credit for a new contractor account. Shovels provides trailing revenue, permit history, and service area detail to help you compute credit risk.
As a digital creative, your laptop or tablet is at the center of your work. Keep your device safe with a fabric sleeve that matches in quality and looks.
Our contractor profiles include revenue, permit history, and service area detail to help you qualify leads, compute credit risk, and close more sales.
We provide employee contact information to help your teams reach out to the right contacts.